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Psoriasis Association collaborating with Amgen
The Psoriasis Association is collaborating with Amgen to empower people living with psoriasis to feel able to speak up and talk to their doctor or nurse about the condition’s full life impact More »Mental Health and Skin Disease report (2020)
The APPG on Skin has published the findings from its latest Inquiry into mental health and skin disease. More than a dozen leading doctors, specialising in dermatology and mental health led the report, as well as patient organisations, and the …Read More »
About APPGS - Purpose
The APPGS was established in 1994 and aims to increase understanding about skin care issues in Parliament and to achieve improvements in the treatment and management of patients with skin disease. It also provides an unbiased means of responding to threats to dermatology services and acts as a forum for partners in skin care to engage with politicians with an interest in the issue.

The APPGS has a large and active membership that includes MPs from all political parties, members of the House of Lords, health professionals, patient groups and commercial interests.
The APPGS benefits from input from its Advisory Group, which holds three to four meetings a year. The activities of the Advisory Group are subject to the approval of the Group’s parliamentary officers and its Chair, Sir Edward Leigh MP
As with every other All Party Group, the activities of the APPGS do not reflect the views of Parliament and neither do they constitute official business of the House of Commons or the House of Lords.
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The APPGS maintains the following broad set of aims:
- To raise awareness of skin related issues in Parliament.
- To improve the treatment and management of patients with skin conditions.
- To provide an unbiased means of responding to threats to dermatology.
- To provide a forum for all skin interested stakeholders.
- To advise, and make recommendations to Government, on improving the management and treatment of skin related conditions.
Members of the Advisory Panel (the APPGS's Governance Board)
• Nick Evans - Chair (Chair of Psoriasis Association)
• Dr Tanya Bleiker, (President of British Association of Dermatologists)
• Dr Tim Cunliffe (Executive Chair of Primary Care Dermatology Society)
• Rebecca Penzer-Hick (President of British Dermatological Nursing Group)
• Geoff Holmes (Chair Dermatology Council for England)
Psychological Advisors
• Dr Anthony Bewley (Consultant Dermatologist, Barts Health NHS Trust & Chair of Psychodermatology UK)
• Professor Andrew Thompson (Clinical Psychologist & Professor of Clinical Psychology)